Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Honda Civic for ABAM VTEC

Honda Civic

Honda is a big name in Asia which are the second largest car producing company in Japan. Producing multi choices car for multi generations of ages, Honda have been one of the most preferable brand. 

These are the car model which is produce by Honda,
1. City
2. Civic
3. CR -V
4. Odyssey
5. Stream
6. Accord
7. CRZ
and some more which are not in Malaysia.

In this article, i would like to share regarding this one very special model which is being hot stuffed  among the young generations especially those who are 'abang V-TEC'. The model is Honda Civic.

Civic are compact cars, which is originally originated from subcompact car. The first model of Civic produced was in July 1972.
Civic has all together nine generations. These generations were ;
1st Gen : (1972 - 1979) SB1, SG, SE, VB 

2nd Gen : (1979 - 1983) SL, SS, SR, ST, VC, WD 

3rd Gen : (1983 - 1991) AG,AH,AJ,AK,AT,EC

4th Gen : (1988- 1991) EC,ED,EE,EF,SH

5th Gen : (1991 - 1995) EG,EH,EJ1,EJ2

6th Gen ; (1996 - 2000) EK2,EK3,EK4,EK5,EK9,EJ6,EJ7,EJ7,EJ8,EJ9,EM1

7th Gen : (2001 - 2005) EM2,ES1,EP1.EP2,EP3,EP4,EV1

8th Gen : (2006 - 2011) FD1,FD2,FD7,FA1,FG1,FG2,FA5,FK,FN,MK8

9th Gen : (2011 - Present) ) FB4,FG3, FB2, FG4, FB6

The reasons why Civic had been one of the most preferable model of Honda users are : 
 1. Easy Handling and maneuvering
 2. Long durability 
 3. Good design
 4. Performance car
 5. Safety

This might be our future cars guys, OXOX 

references ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Civic

photo : googleimages